COVID-19 Statment

Last Updated: May 20, 2020 8:39 PM MDT

As an essential service provider, Revolution Technology Solutions remains open to assist companies during these challenging times.

We are following CDC and DOH guidelines and taking the following precautions to ensure the safety of our contractors, clients, and partners:

  • All operations personnel are receiving regular training on coronavirus-prevention protocols. The entire company is being updated as CDC and DOH guidelines evolve, and are sent a weekly digest of updates and procedures. Signage outlining these protective measures has been posted throughout our facilities.
  • Revolution Technology Solutions utilizes a work readiness checklist based on CDC and state recommendations for checking COVID-19 symptoms and to ensure employees are properly equipped to mitigate spread. The checklist includes a list of questions regarding commonly associated COVID-19 symptoms and a thermal temperature check. Managers perform this check daily with each employee coming to Revolution Technology Solutions facilities or work sites.
  • Employees are required to use gloves and masks on job sites in all of Revolution Technology Solutions' local markets. All team members are required to wash hands with soap multiple times a day.
  • Sanitation products; including latex gloves, soap, sanitizer, masks and disinfectant have been distributed at our facilities. Operations managers are meeting regularly to review and update the PPE stock, and we are doing everything we can to source supplies and resources.
  • We have increased the contractor cleaning frequency at each location to sanitize work spaces and equipment. This includes daily cleaning of truck interiors. We are wiping down door handles, common areas restrooms and other frequently used areas regularly throughout the day.
  • We have asked all staff to refrain from shaking hands and to maintain social distancing (6+ ft.) with clients and each other.
  • We are requiring all non-operational staff to work remotely and limiting and rotating the number of operational employees inside our facilities. No-one except Revolution Technology Solutions' employees are allowed inside our offices or warehouses. Drivers, partners, and clients must perform pick-ups, deliveries, and storage accesses outside our facilities.
  • All employees are required to stay home if they are, in any way, feeling unwell. Any employee that exhibits signs of illness is immediately sent home and cannot return to work until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met, in consultation with healthcare providers and state and local healthcare departments. Any employee with a sick household member is required to notify their manager immediately.
  • In lieu of on-site pre-move surveys, we are conducting surveys via online video survey tools and video chat where possible.

We are also asking our clients to consider the health and well-being of our moving professionals by:

  • Making soap available to the crew in bathrooms and, as available, hand sanitizers.
  • Rescheduling services if any member of the household/organization is feeling unwell.
  • Refraining from shaking hands with the crew and maintaining appropriate social distance from crew members (6 ft.).
  • Limiting the number of household members on site. Only 1 to 2 on-site contacts should meet with the crew and limit themselves from being in the same room with the crew after the walk through.
  • Washing hands throughout the day and wearing their own gloves and masks as available.
  • If they wish, they may offer additional PPE materials for the crew to use.
  • Sanitizing door knobs and surfaces prior to the crew’s arrival and after their departure.

Although various states have begun re-opening stages, Revolution Technology Solutions continues to adhere to the above preventative policies. Revoution Technology Solutions maintains the same precautions across the entire company, and is in compliance or more cautious than all our locations’ local regulations and guidelines. Our priority is to protect the well-being of our team and the communities that we serve. Like all Americans, we are carefully monitoring this dynamic situation. Additional precautions may be taken as necessitated, and we will continue to revise our policies as required.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us.